10 Ways to Remember Japanese Word

10 Ways to Remember Japanese Word 

1. なるべくネイティブと話をする 

(Speak as often as possible with native speakers)

2. 何回も読んだり書いたり話したりを繰り返しする

(Use repetition reading, and writing, and speaking word over and over again)

3. 子供向けのテレビやユーチューブよく見る

(Often watch tv or youtube videos that are designed for young children)

4. 日常生活の中でいつも使うようにする

(Try to use to use the language routinely in the context of daily live)

5. 日本語で考えようとすると頭の中も自然に日本語になる

(Try to think in japanese so it becomes natural to our thought process)

foreign as opposed to thinking in your language first, and then speaking in Japanese, it is much better to think and speak in Japanese. It'll come out much smoother.

6. 家族や犬に向かって、理解されなくても、話し続ける

(I persistent in practicing every day, by talking to my family, or my dogs, even though they don't understand me)

7. 新聞をできるだけ読むと、言葉を覚えるのに役立つ

(Reading as much as possible, especially the newspaper, helps me to remember words)

8. 簡単な文章の中に、新しい言葉を使って見ると単体の言葉だけじゃなく、文章全体を勉強できる 

(Try to use a new word in a simple sentence, so I learn whole phrases, not just individual words)

9. 音楽を聞いて、歌詞を暗記する

(Listen to the song, and memorize the lyrics)

10. 実際に自分に聞こえるように、言葉を声に出す

(say the words out loud so that you can actually hear them)

The source :

10 Ways to Remember Japanese Words


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